My Four Year Battle With Lyme

No, not a story I’m working on.

What have I been doing? Well. For the last four years, I’ve been battling Lyme. Chronic Lyme.

I spent two years visiting six MDs in Maine and Florida. My family MD, a PA, three ENTs, and an Immunologist. Prescriptions varied. Cortizone in its varied forms, baby powder, skin lotion, and high doses of anti-histamine 4x/day. Allergy free detergents.

I asked what caused my problem.
“Everyone itches at one time or another.”
“Part of getting older. You have dermatitis.”
“No worry. Just apply this cream daily. It’ll stop some day.”

Cortizone and all its cousins were a palliative. I wanted to know What? Why? How to be rid of this nightmare keeping me awake, and not letting me be normal?

I should not “feel” my skin on my forehead, my arm, my torso, my neck, my elbow, and all those other places screaming for my attention.

I wanted to take my skin for granted. To go about my day without feeling that spot itch and burn all of a sudden. I wanted to be peaceful, because I habitually cared for my skin with diet, hygiene, protection from heat and cold. But I felt betrayed by my body’s largest organ. It was not fair. Without it, wouldn’t I fall apart?

In spring of the third year, I sought a Naturopath. She listened and ordered bloodwork to find out why I was itching. The tests indicated my immune system was waging a terrific battle against Lyme. And I had SIBO.

Lyme had been in the back of my mind. When I brought it up as a possibility to the other doctors. They shook their heads and smiled. Not Lyme. They treated people like me all the time. It’s just a rash. Dermatitus.

For two years, the Naturopath prescribed regimens of anti-biotics with re-testing. After each bout of antibiotics, I felt like a new person. For two or three weeks. Then it started again. I was re-tested. The titer counts were high. They got higher. They got lower. New bacterium counts appeared. Then I got a new tick bite. Twice in a month. Back to antibioticsjust in case. Then my count was climbing from a low. The last prescribed antibiotic was herbal.

Then Zinc, a mineral she had recommended early on, was added.

I take few vitamins and minerals as needed. I had dismissed zinc. Then a month ago, decided to try it. Two days later, I felt much better. The itching…90% gone. Now weeks later, I feel even better. I feel my immune system is working like it should. The itching is 99% gone.

Meantime, Covid 19 struck the country. With my immune system just recovering, we decided to stay put in Florida until next year.

Now we pray not to get infected with COVID-19…I wish people would follow logical steps…masks, social distancing, and avoid crowds, wash hands often.

Smile in your mirror every day. Jo

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